i2 Smart

+34 972 683 127


Innovation & Technology investments

Innovation & Technology investments

Entrepreneur, we were looking for you

If you’re also looking for a business partner to help you create a global impact with your startup, we have finally found each other.

You already know what a startup life looks like: lots of to-do lists, new challenges to face, a team to onboard and money to invest.

And you know what? You don’t need to be alone during this journey.

Let’s work together on this.


Let’s grow together

    Our compromise

    Your promise

    Investments for early-stage companies

    0 +
    Invested in 6 companies
    2 company sold
    + 0 M
    +1,5M € invested

    Innovation & Technology investments

    We are in this together

    Let’s grow your startup

    We are more than just investors: we will work together on the first steps of your company, share the challenges and help you generate true positive impact.

    Strong connection

    Call, email, WhatsApp us… If you have any doubt regarding your startup, we will be there to help you learn from our consulting experience and find solutions within our network.

    Seed capital

    You believe in us, and we believe in your project. According to a pre-established plan, you will receive financing from i2Smart to grow your early stage startup.

    Success stories

    Companies that have shared their journey with us

    Founded in 2017


    “What is unique about i2 Smart is how closely they work with the companies they team up with. Everybody carries the weight together and everybody does whatever is needed to make the company successful.”

    Eduardo DM
    CEO de Oylo Trust Engineering

    Founded in 2018


    "Starting a company can be very difficult and hard. If you could increase your exit probabilities [de éxito] and have the right support to get through those difficult moments as early as possible, I think that's a really compelling model. That’s why I find the i2 Smart ecosystem and support so valuable”

    Pablo O
    Founder & CEO Seyses

    Founded in 2020

    Karibou is a startup that is committed to plastic-free packaging and a sustainable and circular production model. In 2022, it expects to reach seven million billing. It expects to reach seven million billing in 2022.

    Founded in 2021

    La Pomada Grup offers culinary experiences in the heart of Barcelona. The group has five restaurants in Barcelona city center.